My own journey began many many years ago, but with a MAJOR turning point in 2010. It was a rough patch, a time I call a "breakthrough disguised as a breakdown." My world fell apart, and I spent a year filled with darkness and despair. But then, a powerful realization struck: to create the life I truly desired, I needed change. Big, bold changes – in lifestyle, relationships, business & parenting. I was living a lie, doing what I thought I "should," pushing myself to the limit, living in my head & being disconnected from my body, neglecting my boundaries, neglecting my truth & having ZERO idea how to down-regulate my nervous system because I was harboring stagnant energy, emotions and trauma.( oh hello Inner Child)
Years of dedicated personal growth, education & training led me to discover my passion:
Helping other high achievers slow the f**k down so they can truly level UP!
Learning to ELEVATE in life, business, sport & relationships by getting out of their heads & back in their body! By showing others how to process emotions & stagnant energy, have greater focus & clarity, work & play smarter and live a fulfilling life without sacrificing your family, friends or mental & physical health.
My mission is to guide ambitious people like yourself, towards clarity & courage. To use tools such as BREATHWORK, SOMATIC ENERGY WORK, BOUNDARIES, MINDSET & STRATEGY to release what is no longer serving you & propel you towards authentic opportunities, abundance, and a work-life-play flow that feels truly joyful.
Copyright© 2011-2023 The Hustle Culture Hater Club. A Member of The Mental Mastery Alliance